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Museum Night

Welcome to the most surprising evening of the year! On December 5th, between 6 p.m. and 1 a.m., you can discover art and heritage in all its forms.
Museumnacht bij Huis van Alijn

Save the date: Museumnigth 2024 on December 5th!

About Museum Night

Museum nights are known at home and abroad as the night when museums present an extremely atmospheric programme full of surprising extras. Lovers of heritage, design and art can enjoy the most beautiful collections and exhibitions offered by the museums until long after normal opening hours. Museum Night Ghent has been organised since 2007, is always free and takes place on the first Thursday of December. Next year, it will take place on 5 December 2024.

Late Thursdays

Unable to join us in December? But does a late-night visit sound like something you’d enjoy? Then you should add the Late Thursdays to your calendar. Every first Thursday of the month, a few Ghent museums are open until 10 p.m. On these nights, you can also enjoy art and heritage in a special atmosphere and discover the best bedtime stories. The next editions will take place on 4 January, 1 February, 7 March and 4 April 2024. You do have to pay for these late-night visits. The (Dutch) programme can be found  elsewhere on this website.